Join Yarn in the Round

The simple first step to start knitting in the round.

When you work in the round, most patterns will have you cast on, then “join yarn.”

If that’s left you scratching your head in the past, it means simply this: to position your needles in such a way that you’ll connect the end of the cast-on round to the beginning of the next one with the next stitch.

Learn the step-by-step process below!

Text: Learn to Join Yarn in the Round - The simple first step to start knitting in the round. READ MORE. Image: Three dozen stitches distributed over three double-pointed needles connected in a triangle. Logo: My Secret Wish Knitting

How to do it:

Text included in the images is written out below each step to make this Low Vision Accessible. Instructions on the images are for right-handed people. Instructions in the written text is non-hand specific.


Basic Principle:

You’ll be working from the end of your first round to the beginning of the next while inserting a round marker.


When it comes down to it, joining yarn in the round is as simple as this:

  1. Cast on the required number of stitches.

  2. Distribute stitches over three or four double-pointed needles (or, if you’re using a circular needle, just make sure you have some stitches on both tips).

  3. Place the needle holding your last cast-on stitch in your dominant hand. Place a marker, then begin the first round of your pattern. Work at least one stitch from the first round onto the needle holding the marker.

  4. Congratulations! You’ve joined your yarn in the round!


These three double-pointed needles are looking at the work from the top, but with the cast-on edge pulling to the inside. A loop of yarn has been inserted as a stitch marker after the cast-on round, and one stitch of the next round has been worked.

Make sure you keep everything straight. Twister is a fun party game, but doesn’t work well on your needles.