Single Crochet Stitch

The smallest crochet stitch.

Learn the basic crochet stitch, from whence all other crochet stitches spring. In UK terms, this is the double crochet stitch.

Text: How to Work Single Crochet Stitch - The smallest crochet stitch. Image: A bright pink metal crochet hook lays on a soft pink fabric made of single crochet. My Secret Wish Knitting

How to do it:


Basic Principle:

You’ll be using a crochet hook to create a simple combination of loops to form a square-ish stitch.

  1. Insert your hook through the top two loops (the top chain) of the row below.

  2. Catch the yarn and pull it through the loops. You should have two loops on the hook—the one you just made and the one from the previous stitch.

  3. Catch the yarn again and pull it through both loops.

  4. Congratulations! You’ve completed a single crochet stitch!